Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation

What is Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation?

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is an individualized treatment regimen for patients with visual deficits as a direct result of physical disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and other neurological insults. Neuro-optometric therapy is a process for the rehabilitation of visual / perceptual / motor disorders. It includes, but is not limited to, acquired strabismus, diplopia, binocular dysfunction, convergence and/or accommodation paresis/paralysis, oculomotor dysfunction, visual-spatial dysfunction, visual perceptual and cognitive deficits, and traumatic visual acuity loss.  These visual dysfunctions can manifest themselves as psychological sequelae such as anxiety and panic disorders as well as spatial dysfunctions affecting balance and posture.

A neuro-optometric rehabilitation treatment plan improves specific acquired vision dysfunction determined by standardized diagnostic criteria. Treatment regimens encompass medically necessary non-compensatory lenses and prisms with and without occlusion and other appropriate medical rehabilitation strategies.

For more information visit or schedule a neuro-Optometric evaluation with us today!