TempSure Envi for Dry Eye

What is TempSure Envi?

TempSure safely delivers radiofrequency energy into delicate areas of the skin by gently heating the skin to a safe, therapeutic temperature.


Why would I need a TempSure treatment?

Many people have a condition called Ocular Surface Disease, OSD, which leads to difficulty wearing contacts, dry and burning eyes, styes, and more. The TempSure treatment safely heats to a level that opens the meibomian glands, increasing tear production which greatly reduces and sometime eliminates many dry eye issues.


How often would I need treatments?

Dry eye patients will need an initial dry eye evaluation with Dr. Mooney. Next, two treatments spaced 3-4 weeks between visits will be scheduled. After the second treatment has been completed a progress follow up will be scheduled to determine if more treatments are necessary. One maintenance treatment is recommended 6-12 months after the initial treatments are completed and as needed thereafter. TempSure Envi treatments are available at our Mt. Washington office.


How does this treatment help my skin?

Along with many dry eye benefits, TempSure treatments lift drooping eyelids, reduce under eye bags, and minimize wrinkles. The treatments tighten skin by naturally reproducing collagen and elastin.  There are no needles and no down time. You can return to your normal activities immediately following your treatment.